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This year, the Group celebrated as Eli Taylor, an apprentice Panel Beater from Gemini Townsville in Queensland took out the Young Achiever Award. A proud Waanyi and Ganggalidda man from Doomadgee, Eli joined the Group as a Year 11 school-based apprentice through NRL Cowboys house, a community organisation with strong ties to AMA Group through Martin Dickinson, Northern Queensland Area Manager.
Catherine Spencer (Cowboys Community Foundation), Rosie & Eli Taylor, Martin Dickinson (AMA Group)
Paint & Panel described Eli as a “standout for the judges, not only is he doing well as an apprentice, but he is a mentor and inspiration for others.” Martin said, “Eli has been fully committed,” says Martin.
“He’s always respectful and has progressed rapidly through the years, to the point where he is now able to do all the main basics of a tradesmen, with two years still left in his apprenticeship.”
Martin noted that everything Eli does is about his family, and it was wonderful to have Eli’s mum, Rosie, in attendance on Friday night to celebrate Eli’s success. Catherine Spencer from Cowboys Community Foundation also joined on the night and noted that “Eli sure has grown in confidence”. Paint & Panel Editor, Sam Street said, “The dedication and commitment Eli has already demonstrated and his selfless support for his family, tells us he has a bright future as a leader in the collision repair industry.”
Capital S.M.A.R.T Tullamarine Plus took home the trophy for Best Corporate Shop, with Vince Valentino (Centre Manager) and Chris Argirov (Production Manager), David Candido (Estimator) and Medhat Morkos (Paint Team Leader) representing the Team on the evening.
Described as a ‘powerhouse’ by Paint & Panel Editor, Sam Street, the site has navigated the many challenges of operating in Victoria throughout the COVID-19 pandemic and credits the strong focus on apprentice development on the site’s success. Kevin Glen, Capital S.M.A.R.T Operations Manager Victoria said, “The Team have done agreat job, and they deserve this award.”
The site is part of the Capital S.M.A.R.T network, which is characterised by exceptional customer service, tailored solutions for insurers and integrated relationships with supplier to ensure consistent delivery of quality and value. As part of AMA Group, a ‘One AMA’ approach means everyone benefits from the scale of the Group, with opportunities to collaborate, learn, move around the network, and grow together.
Kevin Glen (Operations Manager Victoria), Chris Argirov, Vince Valentino, David Candido and Medhat Morkos (Capital S.M.A.R.T Tullamarine Plus)
The night also recognised those winners who were unable to celebrate in person as their awards were during COVID-19. Omid Amir from RPM Para Hills, South Australia was among this group. Omid won the Young Achiever Award in 2020.
After escaping religious persecution in Iran, Omid came to Australia in 2012 on an unseaworthy boat and was granted refugee status. Omid joined AMA Group in 2019 at Gemini Wacol as a Spray Painting apprentice. A change in government legislation saw his family relocated to South Australia and was gratefully able to transfer to AMA Group’s RMP Para Hills site.
Omid Amir & Martin Dickinson (AMA Group)
Omid has been described as having “Get up and go.” It’s reported that “when he was told to move from Queensland, he finished on the Friday and drove from Queensland to South Australia over the weekend and started work Monday morning at 7.30am as asked. Omid has good attention to detail. He goes the extra mile and asks if there anything he can do for you. He will take the initiative to find more work to do.” Omid is a standout on site and well-deserving of this recognition.
Carl Bizon, AMA Group CEO said “It was fantastic to celebrate in person and join in recognising the great achievements of both AMA Group and our peers. I would like to recognise Paint & Panel’s efforts to bring together such a terrific event and congratulate all nominees and winners.”
The Group was also honoured to have finalists in several categories in this years’ awards:
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